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Competition & Consumer

Our Competition Experts Empowering Yours

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Quickly get across active ACCC market inquiries and decisions affecting market definition.


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Legislative Changes

Swiftly understand if Australian law has moved since the last time you dealt with the same issue.

Meet our Competition & Consumer Experts

Access the latest practical guidance on how best to respond. Our resources keep practitioners and compliance professionals on top of changes and developments in competition and consumer protection issues presented in a practically meaningful way.
Want to stay on top of the latest developments in the dynamic landscape of Competition and Consumer Law? Use new Westlaw for latest commentary and number 81 on the Key Number system to improve speed and accuracy of results.

Expertise powered by Practical Law. Confidence enabled by new Westlaw

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integrated products on one platform

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Our cost-effective packages make comprehensive Competition & Consumer content accessible to lawyers at competitive and affordable prices.

Practical Law


Discover how our Competition & Consumer experts can empower yours, today!

Clients don't care about the data, they just care about the answer — this helps my team distill huge volumes into the salient point, in minutes.
Certain published guidance doesn't adequately explain the practical application of key concepts... This is a very efficient tool in bridging that gap.

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