The Global Guide Special Economic Zones First Edition - Book

The Global Guide Special Economic Zones First Edition - Book

By Stephen Webb


$324.50 RRP

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Date: 28/02/2024

Code: 9780455503578

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA


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Book The Global Guide Special Economic Zones First Edition - Book 28/02/2024 9780455503578 $324.50 Add to cart
eBook - ProView The Global Guide Special Economic Zones First Edition - eBook 28/02/2024 9780455503585 $324.50 Add to cart
Book+eBook The Global Guide Special Economic Zones First Edition Book+eBook 28/02/2024 43400288 $356.95 Add to cart


The Global Guide to Special Economic Zones provides much sought-after,  expert analysis of these critical economic assets offering a catalyst for development, innovation and economic growth.

This new work is defines and explains each stage of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) lifecycle, providing a comprehensive, multi-dimensional analysis.

It is organised in five parts, with each one considering a particular element:

  • Learning – the history, context, rationale and legal basis for SEZs;
  • Government – how and why governments have used SEZs successfully and what underpins that success in practice, from planning, real estate and marketing to the key pitfalls to avoid;
  • Investors – taking SEZs from concept to economic reality, securing investors and what investors need to know;
  • Legal – the vulnerabilities and risks of SEZs, trade issues and dispute resolution; and
  • Future perspectives – the global trends from areas such as green and digital zones, to job creation for displaced populations and how developed economies are increasingly utilising SEZs.

This commentary is supported by analysis of twenty-eight SEZ-specific case studies.

The book features expert contributors and draws on their deep experience of working with governments and industry worldwide, particularly in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

It is the authoritative guide to successfully planning, implementing and restructuring SEZs,  while also considering ways SEZs can play a critical role in the green energy transition and in the recovery of war-torn economies.

The Global Guide to Special Economic Zones is an invaluable resource for  national governments, international agencies, regional and local authorities, infrastructure and industrial investors and financiers.

Importantly, it is also written for any professional wishing to evolve their understanding of Special Economic Zones.


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