A Guide to Business Law 21st Edition - Book & eBook
Book+eBook $204.00* RRP |
Date: 15/12/2014 Code: 41690764 Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA |
A Guide to Business Law 21st Edition - Book & eBook
Price: $204.00
Available Formats
Format | Title | Date | Code | Price | |
Book+eBook | A Guide to Business Law 21st Edition - Book & eBook | 15/12/2014 | 41690764 | $204.00 |
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A Guide to Business Law 21st Edition - Book & eBook
Price: $204.00
eBook - ProView | A Guide to Business Law 21st Edition eBook | 03/12/2014 | 9780455234908 | $155.00 |
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A Guide to Business Law 21st Edition eBook
Price: $155.00
A Guide to Business Law, 21st edition has been updated throughout to reflect changes affecting business and commercial practices in Australia occurring following the publication of the 20th edition. The work still maintains a national focus on business law, with references to State/Territory and Commonwealth legislation, case law, courts/tribunals and various agencies and organisations.
Features of the 21st edition include discussion of the following significant legislative changes, new organisations and case law:
- the renaming and reorganisation of the CTTT (to become part of NCAT) and Federal Magistrates Court (to Federal Circuit Court) and the court hierarchy in NSW and Federally (Ch 2);
- Campbell v Hay [2014] sets an important precedent from the NSW Court of Appeal about negligence and dangerous recreational activities under s 5L of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (Ch 3);
- the “Raising the Bar” amendments to intellectual property laws, covering Trade Marks, Patents, Designs and Copyright (Ch 6);
- new Codes of Banking Practice and ePayments and a review of the Franchising Code, plus an updated user guide to Austrac Online (Ch 7);
- the new National eConveyancing System and future changes in property practices, including Property Exchange Australia (PEXA) and the Personal Property Securities Register (Ch 16);
- the renaming of ITSA to ASFA and additional material on its functions (Ch 17);
- complete revision of the chapter on Competition and Consumer Law, including additional material and cases on the “general protection” provisions of the Australian Consumer Law with detailed coverage of ss 18, 20-22 and expanded materials on unfair terms in consumer contracts (Ch 19); and
- new material on using electronic documents in court proceedings (Ch 22).
This text is supported by a number of online lecturer and reader resources/materials such as Mentor self assessment and competency based questionnaires, lecturer PowerPoint slides, practice questions and answer guides, and useful chapter summaries. A Guide to Business Law is a practical and informative text that should assist students to better understand business and commercial law in Australia.
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction to the Australian legal system
2 Legal institutions
3 Introduction to torts (negligence
4 Defamation and privacy
5 Legal aspects of business (business structures and relationships)
6 Legal aspects of business (commercial applications of intellectual property
7 Cheques and associated transactions
8 Introduction to the law of contracts
9 Intention to create legal relations
10 Agreement
11 Consideration
12 Capacity (to make a contract)
13 Real or genuine consent
14 Illegality
15 Discharge of contracts and remedies for breach of contract
16 Real and personal property
17 Debt recovery and bankruptcy
18 Sale of goods
19 Competition and consumer law
20 Sustainability
21 Insurance and superannuation
22 E-commerce
23 Employment and industrial law
24 Ethics in the business world
Resource Downloads
General Downloads
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch1 [PDF 281581]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch10 [PDF 225474]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch11 [PDF 274656]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch12 [PDF 272564]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch13 [PDF 282103]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch14 [PDF 277391]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch15 [PDF 301856]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch16 [PDF 254237]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch17 [PDF 306766]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch18 [PDF 412968]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch19 [PDF 288849]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch2 [PDF 286596]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch20 [PDF 206742]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch21 [PDF 272404]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch22 [PDF 286495]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch23 [PDF 293131]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch24 [PDF 197540]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch3 [PDF 297673]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch4 [PDF 282423]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch5 [PDF 309679]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch6 [PDF 340068]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch7 [PDF 299103]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch8 [PDF 287553]
- AGBL 21e Summary Ch9 [PDF 208855]
Instructor Supplements
- AGBL 21e Answer Guide to Questions [PDF 490848]
- AGBL 21e CH1 [PPT 237568]
- AGBL 21e CH10 [PPT 335872]
- AGBL 21e CH11 [PPT 223232]
- AGBL 21e CH12 [PPT 221184]
- AGBL 21e CH13 [PPT 238080]
- AGBL 21e CH14 [PPT 214528]
- AGBL 21e CH15 [PPT 318976]
- AGBL 21e CH16 [PPT 247808]
- AGBL 21e CH17 [PPT 281600]
- AGBL 21e CH18 [PPT 347136]
- AGBL 21e CH19 [PPT 238080]
- AGBL 21e CH2 [PPT 273920]
- AGBL 21e CH20 [PPT 345600]
- AGBL 21e CH21 [PPT 297472]
- AGBL 21e CH22 [PPT 297472]
- AGBL 21e CH3 [PPT 318464]
- AGBL 21e CH4 [PPT 203264]
- AGBL 21e CH5 [PPT 315392]
- AGBL 21e CH6 [PPT 317440]
- AGBL 21e CH7 [PPT 1368064]
- AGBL 21e CH8 [PPT 289792]
- AGBL 21e CH9 [PPT 197120]
Please note: these resources are ONLY for the use of lecturers who have prescribed the relevant text. Please email anzacademicsales@thomsonreuters.com to request access.
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