A Practitioner's Guide to Base III and Beyond

A Practitioner's Guide to Base III and Beyond

By Richard Barfield


$579.00 RRP

Date: 27/06/2011

Code: 9780414045385

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM


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Book A Practitioner's Guide to Base III and Beyond 27/06/2011 9780414045385 $579.00 Add to cart


A Practitioner's Guide to Basel III and Beyond explains the revised Basel Accord framework due to be introduced by 2012 in the wake of the global financial crisis. The new measures are designed to update and strengthen the resilience of the international banking sector, and this book explains in depth what they mean in practice. It is essential reading for compliance, legal and other senior management in banks, and their advisers. This Guide:
  • Explains the role of the Basel Committee in the context of the credit crisis
  • Discusses the rationale behind the new framework
  • Covers in depth all the changes from the existing regime, and what they will mean in practice
  • Goes through the major themes that arose during the financial crisis – leverage, liquidity, remuneration, governance – and how each will be treated under the new framework
  • Gives detailed guidance on the controls banks will need to have in place to ensure continuing compliance
  • Looks at the impact of other initiatives at national and European level.
Introduction – the changing landscape; Strategic Implications; Defining capital; Trading book and securisation; Counterparty credit risk; Liquidity and funding; Leverage; Accounting considerations; Role of Pillar 2; Procyclicality; Stress Testing; Disclosures and Pillar 3; Tax; Reward; Recovery and resolution; Stakeholder perspectives; Implications for risk management; Implications for the economy; Implications for supervision.
Jurisdiction: International

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