Bangsund on the Personal Property Security Act: The CCPPSL Model Book + eBook

Bangsund on the Personal Property Security Act: The CCPPSL Model Book + eBook

eBook + Book bundle


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Date: 01/12/2022

Code: 43307881

Sweet & Maxwell, Canada

eBook+Book Bundle
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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Bangsund on the Personal Property Security Act: The CCPPSL Model 12/01/2022 9780779898893 $254.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Bangsund on the Personal Property Security Act: The CCPPSL Model eBook 01/12/2022 43307880 $254.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Best Value Bangsund on the Personal Property Security Act: The CCPPSL Model Book + eBook 01/12/2022 43307881 $305.00 Add to cart


Bangsund on the Personal Property Security Act: The CCPPSL Model is about modern Canadian provincial and territorial personal property security law under the model Personal Property Security Act promulgated by the Canadian Conference on Personal Property Security Law ("CCPPSL"). The CCPPSL Model PPSA is in force, more or less, in eleven of Canada's thirteen provinces and territories. Only the nation’s two most populous provinces – Ontario and Quebec – have embraced other statutory models.

The CCPPSL aims "to encourage and facilitate the harmonization and compatibility of provincial, territorial and federal personal property security law" and furnishes an annual forum for the exchange of views and experiences among civil servants responsible for administering the Canadian personal property registries of all provinces and territories, legal scholars with expertise in personal property security law, and electronic registry technologists.

This book will similarly serve as a valuable learning and practice resource for law students, professors, practicing lawyers, sitting judges, bankers and other secured finance specialists.


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