Banking and Lending Practice 5th edition

Banking and Lending Practice 5th edition

By Prudence Weaver


$156.00 RRP

Date: 16/12/2015

Code: 9780455237077

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA


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Book Banking and Lending Practice 5th edition 16/12/2015 9780455237077 $156.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Banking and Lending Practice 5th edition book + eBook 15/12/2015 41857749 $202.00 Add to cart
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This book provides an overview of the key concepts of banking and lending practice for those who are new to the law of banking or want to update their knowledge.  It covers the basics of banking law, including relevant regulation, the banker-customer relationship, and the duty of confidentiality. It also covers banking practice, including common types of accounts, consumer banking, electronic banking and corporate banking. It explains some of the matters that bankers deal with every day such as lending principles, taking security and dealing with negotiable instruments. 

Much has changed since the 4th edition, including the fine-tuning of some of the Wallis Committee recommendations, the introduction of Australian Financial Services licences and Australian Credit licences, new versions of the Code of Banking Practice and the ePayments Code, as well as major changes to the regulation of consumer credit and privacy. 

The 5th edition of Banking and Lending Practice aims to provide readers with a working knowledge of the principles of banking and an understanding of current issues. It is ideal for law students undertaking legal and financial subjects; practitioners seeking an introductory text to banking law and its application to common financial products and services; bankers undertaking internal or external legal training courses; financial institution customers seeking an introductory text on banking and lending products and services; and regulators and dispute resolution bodies running training courses on banking and lending services.

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