Canada's Constitutional Law in a Nutshell 4th edition

Canada's Constitutional Law in a Nutshell 4th edition

By Bernard Funston, Eugene Meehan


$175.00 RRP

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Date: 30/09/2013

Code: 9780779855407

Carswell, Canada


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Book Canada's Constitutional Law in a Nutshell 4th edition 30/09/2013 9780779855407 $175.00 Add to cart


Canada’s Constitutional Law in a Nutshell, Fourth Edition is a handy resource when you need a quick answer to a question on administrative or constitutional law.

This popular primer offers a succinct overview of the basic principles of Canada’s constitutional structures and institutions. Compact and concise, it summarizes the latest developments, leading case law, and key principles and relevant issues. It is an easily referenced resource that gives you a quick understanding and instant access to a variety of materials – all gathered and in one place

Highlights of the fourth edition include:

  • An updated discussion of the extra-territorial applicability of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, religious freedom, freedom from religion, hate, speech and other issues under the Charter
  • Issues on the constitution and the courts, including an updated review of standing and who may raise issues of constitutionality before the courts
  • Developments in territorial government institutions and, in particular, the Yukon Devolution Transfer Agreement with the federal government
  • Updates to the discussion of Aboriginal rights under the Constitution

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