Central Issues in Jurisprudence Justice Law and Rights 6th Edition

Central Issues in Jurisprudence Justice Law and Rights 6th Edition


$85.00 RRP

Date: 22/09/2022

Code: 9780414104129

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM


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Book Central Issues in Jurisprudence Justice Law and Rights 6th Edition 22/09/2022 9780414104129 $85.00 Add to cart


Central Issues in Jurisprudence is a clear introduction to the major theories and arguments which currently dominate discussion in jurisprudence. The work enables students to read the original writers with a real understanding of how the theories relate to each other, and how these theories cluster around certain fundamental issues.

Combining lucid exposition with commentary, the author provides a penetrating analysis of each theory examined, and a deep understanding of the problems addressed. Coverage includes:

  • Utilitarianism
  • Rawls
  • Nozick
  • Finnis
  • Hart
  • Dworkin
  • Fuller
  • Rights

Central Issues in Jurisprudence remains the ideal starting point for anyone who wants to get to grips with this demanding but rewarding subject. Readers benefit from the author’s ability to make the subject accessible, without over-simplification.

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