Constitutional Law of Canada Looseleaf Edition

Constitutional Law of Canada Looseleaf Edition

By Peter Hogg KC


$1,516.21* RRP

Date: 15/06/1995

Code: 30113386

Carswell, Canada

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Constitutional Law of Canada Looseleaf Edition

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Looseleaf Constitutional Law of Canada Looseleaf Edition 15/06/1995 30113386 $1,516.21


This two volume looseleaf is the definitive work on Canadian constitutional law, written by a respected constitutional law scholar, this service thoroughly analyses all aspects of the subject, including:
  • Basic constitutional concepts such as financial arrangements, the courts, the Crown, treaties, parliamentary sovereignty and delegation
  • Distribution of powers including criminal law, property and civil rights, transportation and communication, the family, aboriginals, natural resources, taxation, citizenship and immigration, health, and social security
  • Civil liberties: Charter application, limitation of rights, overriding rights, enforcement of rights, expression of rights, fundamental justice, search and seizure, and detention and arrest
  • Practice-related issues: unconstitutional effect, standing and procedure, and evidence and proof.
Jurisdiction: Canada
* Price is for the main work only. Updates will be invoiced separately on publication.

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