Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) Parts & Bound Volumes

Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) Parts & Bound Volumes

By David Thomas KC

Report Series

$5,156.56* RRP

Date: 15/01/1989

Code: 30138126

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Report Series Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) Parts only 15/01/1989 30128502 $3,229.80
Report Series Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) Parts & Bound Volumes 15/01/1989 30138126 $5,156.56


Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) are the only reports available devoted to sentencing law. Each issue contains up to 40 important sentencing decisions with full details of every judgment. The following features are included for ease of use:
•         Headnotes each containing a key-word summary of the main issues and the background of the case, the judgment given and a list of cases referred to in the judgment.
•         Full text judgments covering cases decided in the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) and Divisional Court.
•         Cumulative index listed by subject area.

Detailed cross-referencing containing extensive references to established case law and referring the reader to relevant sections of Current Sentencing Practice, Archbold and Criminal Law Review.


Jurisdiction: UK

* Price is for an annual subscription from January to December of the current year for parts and bound volumes. Approx. 10 updates per year.

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