Criminal Law 4th Edition - PDF

Criminal Law 4th Edition - PDF

By Peter Gillies


$49.20* $123.00* RRP Save: $73.80 (60%)

Date: 01/07/1997

Code: 30133146

Thomson Reuters, AUSTRALIA


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PDF Criminal Law 4th Edition - PDF 01/07/1997 30133146 $49.20 Add to cart


Peter Gillies’ Criminal Law remains among the most loved treatments of the impact in Australia of what has been described the “common law of crime”. While primarily a student text, Gillies’ work remains a reference for barristers and solicitors alike. Commenting in 2006 on the breadth of Australian legal scholarship, Nick Pengelley included Criminal Law 4th edition in his suggested list of major texts, a major contribution in the area of criminal law.
This popular textbook comprehensively examines the criminal law in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory, and incorporates the case law and legislative changes which have occurred in recent years.

This classic title is now available as a PDF.

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