Defending Corporations and Individuals in Government Investigations, 2022-2023

Defending Corporations and Individuals in Government Investigations, 2022-2023


$568.00 RRP

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Date: 19/12/2022

Code: 9781731922427

West Group, USA


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Book Defending Corporations and Individuals in Government Investigations, 2022-2023 19/12/2022 9781731922427 $568.00 Add to cart


Written by leading former government lawyers and white-collar defense lawyers, Defending Corporations and Individuals in Government Investigations examines:

  • Aggressively defending clients while maintaining a productive relationship with the government lawyers who will make the key charging decisions
  • Defending clients in FCPA, SEC, FINRA, PCAOB and parallel criminal and civil investigations
  • Unique issues that can arise when representing individuals in the context of corporate investigations
  • Conducting an internal investigation
  • Developing and executing an effective compliance program
  • The important role of the general counsel in handling a government investigation
  • Making effective defense presentations to criminal and regulatory agencies
  • Effectively responding to government requests for documents and other information
  • Managing electronic information during government investigations
  • Dealing with the media in the context of a high-profile white collar case

Throughout the book, you'll find nuts-and-bolts, practical guidance from expert practitioners who have handled some of the most significant white-collar investigations in the country.

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