Encyclopedia of United Kingdom & European Patent Law

Encyclopedia of United Kingdom & European Patent Law


$4,475.11* RRP

Date: 24/11/1977

Code: 9780421233508

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM

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Encyclopedia of United Kingdom & European Patent Law

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Paper Encyclopedia of United Kingdom & European Patent Law 24/11/1977 9780421233508 $4,475.11


The Encyclopedia of UK and European Patent Law is a complete compilation of the UK primary and delegated patent legislation, together with the relevant European and International Conventions and Rules. The Encyclopedia also provides a detailed commentary written by leading practitioners in the field and is updated twice annually.
Recent releases of the Encyclopedia have included extensive revisions to take account of changes in practice and procedure before the Patent Office and before the Patents Court following the implementation of the Civil Procedure Rules.
Looseleaf, 2 Volumes, 2 updates per year
Jurisdiction: UK/EU
* Price is for an annual subscription for the current calendar year.

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