EU Anti-Trust Procedure 6th Edition

EU Anti-Trust Procedure 6th Edition

By Christopher Kerse, Nicholas Khan


$980.00 RRP

Date: 12/12/2012

Code: 9781847039095

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM


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"This standard work has a given place in each bookshelf belonging to a lawyer working with international business transactions" – Carl Michael von Quitzow, Professor at Lund University, Sweden
"Detailed, comprehensive, practical, objective and clearly written" – Common Market Law Review
EU Antitrust Procedure explains how the European Commission investigates infringements of EU competition law. Since the first edition published in 1981, it has become established as the recognised reference work in this field. It deals with topics such as the Commission's investigative powers, procedural rights of the parties concerned, the method for setting fines and judicial review against Commission decisions, as well as the relationship between the enforcement of EU competition law by the Commission and by national courts and competition authorities.
This edition examines how the new competition law regime introduced in 2004 has bedded down in practice and considers the implications of over 200 judgments in the field from the European Court of Justice and the General Court since the previous edition. This book:
  • Provides practitioners with a clear guide to the procedures they need to undertake in order to stay on the right side of the regulations
  • Explains how the enforcement procedures of the Commission and those of national competition authorities are now interacting
  • Shows how the Commission's 2006 guidelines on fines and an adjustment to its leniency policy are being applied in practice
  • Examines court judgments at both EU and national levels.
Jurisdiction: United Kingdom/European Union

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