Evidence: Proof & Practice - PDF

Evidence: Proof & Practice - PDF

By Graham Roberts


$102.00* RRP

Date: 20/02/1998

Code: 30132596

Thomson Reuters, AUSTRALIA


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PDF Evidence: Proof & Practice - PDF 20/02/1998 30132596 $102.00 Add to cart


The rules of evidence operate within the context of specific facts and are an integral part of the process of proof. This book examines the rules through discussion of leading cases, hypothetical situations and real life examples. Roberts advocates dealing with evidentiary problems by a process of logical steps that constitute a basic methodological approach. He outlines practical procedures to help the reader develop their own methods. There are also discussions of non-traditional areas, such as the theory of the case, which readers will find of great use in broadening their understanding of proof and practice in evidence.
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