Expert Evidence: Law and Practice 5e

Expert Evidence: Law and Practice 5e

By Tristram Hodgkinson, Mark James


$684.00 RRP

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Date: 27/04/2020

Code: 9780414074330

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM

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Book Expert Evidence: Law and Practice 5e 27/04/2020 9780414074330 $684.00 Add to cart


A comprehensive guide to the law, practice and procedure relating to the admission of expert evidence in courts, tribunals, official enquiries and other proceedings, including arbitration. It gives detailed guidance to those involved in the pre-trial preparation of expert evidence or the presentation or questioning of it in court.
  • Covers expert evidence in both civil and criminal proceedings
  • Sets out general principles and deals with the application of those principles in specific contexts
  • Covers courts, tribunals, official enquiries and arbitration
  • Provides guidance for pre-trial preparation of expert evidence, including such issues as bias, privilege and confidentiality
  • Discusses when expert evidence can be used
  • Details methods of questioning expert evidence in court
  • Looks at the form and content of expert evidence, including that produced by machines, devices and other apparatus
  • Considers methods of proof, dealing with psychological and psychiatric evidence; land and building valuation; forensic sciences and techniques; actuarial, accountancy and market research; evidence with a mathematical element; and proof of foreign law
  • Deals individually with different fields of litigation: personal injury cases; construction claims; intellectual property; criminal sentencing; drink/driving offences; obscenity; and matrimonial and other proceedings involving children
  • Includes all important statutory provisions and rules, and extracts from relevant cases
  • Makes comparative reference to various other common law jurisdictions, including Scotland, Canada, USA, Australia, NZ and Ireland
  • Covers new developments including guidance on the use and admissibility of expert evidence in civil cases, guidance on the instruction of experts to give evidence in civil claims, a practice direction giving assistance to judges in criminal cases on the admissibility and weight to be attached to expert evidence, and a new interpretation of the test for the admissibility of expert evidence under CPR r. 35.1


Table of Contents

  • Part A: Introduction – The principles and development of expert evidence
    1. Introduction
    2. Non-opinion expert evidence
    3. Novel scientific ideas and techniques: the twilight zone
    Part B: Pre-trial practice and procedure
    4. Pre-trial procedure
    5. Single joint experts, assessors and experts appointed by the court
    6. Bias
    7. Privilege and confidentiality
    Part C: Evidence at trial
    8. The expert witness at trial
    9. The form and content of expert evidence
    10. Experts and hearsay evidence
    11. Evidence produced by machines, devices and other apparatus
    12. The evidential value of expert evidence
    13. Costs and fees
    14. Immunity
    Part D: Methods of proof
    15. Psychological and psychiatric evidence
    16. The valuation of land and buildings
    17. Forensic Sciences and Techniques
    18. Actuarial, accountancy and market research: evidence with a mathematical element
    19. Proof of Foreign Law
    Part E: Specific tribunals
    20. Tribunals not governed by the strict rules of evidence
    21. Specific commercial jurisdictions
    Part F: Fields of litigation
    22. Medical reports in personal injury cases
    23. Construction claims
    24. Intellectual property
    25. Criminal sentencing
    26. Drink/Driving offences
    27. Obscenity
    28. Matrimonial and other proceedings involving children
    Part G: Expert evidence: The future
    29. The future

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