Exploring the Law  4th Edition

Exploring the Law 4th Edition

By Professor Colin Manchester, David Salter


$71.01 RRP

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Date: 26/04/2011

Code: 9780414041851

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM


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Book Exploring the Law 4th Edition 26/04/2011 9780414041851 $71.01 Add to cart


Exploring the Law takes a unique approach to precedent and statutory interpretation which are considered in the context of self-contained case studies on selected topics of substantive law commonly taught in first year undergraduate programmes. This book:
  • Provides an initial overview of the principles of statutory interpretation and precedent, with extensive cross-referencing to their detailed consideration in case studies
  • Uses case studies throughout to extract the principles of statutory interpretation and precedent from substantive law
  • Examines the influence of the EU and the Human Rights Act 1998 on principles of statutory interpretation
  • Provides students with guidance on further reading at the end of case study chapters.
  •  Principles: Precedent and statutory interpretation: an outline and guide; Courts and tribunals; EU legal order: influence on statutory interpretation and precedent; European Convention on Human Rights and Human Rights Act 1998: influence on statutory interpretation and precedent.
  • Selected case studies: Contract; Tort; Criminal law; Criminal evidence; Property law; EU law.
  • Tracing the evolution of law in selected fields: Psychiatric injury; Marital rape; Appropriation in theft.
Jurisdiction: England/Wales

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