Fleet Street Reports Parts and Bound Volumes

Fleet Street Reports Parts and Bound Volumes

By Mary Vittoria KC

Report Series

$7,556.86 RRP

Date: 15/01/1989

Code: 30115450

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM

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Fleet Street Reports Parts and Bound Volumes

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Report Series Fleet Street Reports Parts Only 15/01/1989 30129844 $6,342.01
Report Series Fleet Street Reports Parts and Bound Volumes 15/01/1989 30115450 $7,556.86


Fleet Street Reports have been a vital updating choice for intellectual property practitioners for over 30 years. The Reports keep you current with major UK cases – many of them unreported elsewhere – and informs you of key decisions in other jurisdictions including decisions of the European Court of Justice. Its main feature is reporting the questions of procedural issues but it also provides coverage of substantive law.

Practical case headnotes helpfully provide a summary of facts, the findings of court, a list of cited cases, key words and names of counsel and instructing solicitors. A cumulative index is also included in each issue, making it easy for you to find the information you need.

Jurisdiction: International

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