Foreign Investment in Australia 1 Volume

Foreign Investment in Australia 1 Volume

By Marcus Clark, Andrew Wong, Lachlan Molesworth


Price: N/A

Date: 18/09/2012

Code: 30125417

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Foreign Investment in Australia 1 Volume

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Looseleaf Foreign Investment in Australia 1 Volume 18/09/2012 30125417 N/A
eSub - ProView Foreign Investment in Australia - eSub 01/12/2014 41639013 N/A


Foreign Investment in Australia provides a comprehensive analysis of Australia’s foreign investment policy, practical guidance for investors and practitioners and historical and comparative context for the current regime. 
One of the key features of this recently regenerated service is an annotated version of the new FATA that draws together all relevant legislation, guidelines and commentary to help subscribers navigate key changes in the policy landscape.


Practical - Practical guidance for practitioners including frequently asked questions, updated monetary thresholds, FIRB guidance notes and a chapter devoted to practical considerations for lawyers.

Background - Comprehensive coverage of the history of foreign investment policy in Australia.

Comprehensive – Expert authored analysis of statutory regulation by sectors, eg media and telecommunications, financial services, civil aviation, mining, shipping, foreign government landholdings and rights of aliens.

Policy guidelines - Includes the 2015 edition of Australia's foreign investment policy (the key document relating to the government's position on foreign investment in Australia) and international policy materials.

Legislation – Includes FATA and regulations and others, all clearly structured and easily accessed.

New developments - Highlights and discusses changes in policy and regulation, tracks upcoming legislation that may affect foreign investment in Australia and recommends relevant readings and articles.

Tables - Up to date tables of cases and statutes and a comprehensive index that allow for easy navigation throughout the commentary, policy guidelines and legislation as well as easy browsing for specific topic areas.

* Price is for an annual subscription and includes all updates issued during this period.

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