Formation and Variation of Contracts 4th Edition

Formation and Variation of Contracts 4th Edition

By John Cartwright


$691.00 RRP

Date: 30/04/2024

Code: 9780414119000

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM

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Format Title Date Code Price
Book Formation and Variation of Contracts 4th Edition 30/04/2024 9780414119000 $691.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Formation and Variation of Contracts 4th Edition eBook 30/04/2024 9780414119024 $691.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Best Value Formation and Variation of Contracts 4th Edition Book + eBook 30/04/2024 9780414119017 $897.00 Add to cart


Formation and Variation of Contracts deals with topics fundamental to the question of enforceability of promises made and how contracting parties can ensure their transactions are legally effective.


  • Draws together in single volume key issues relating to the formation and variation of contracts, focusing on the rules for their existence and validity
  • Brings together topics which are of fundamental importance to practitioners advising on the negotiation or validity of contracts, but on which there is no up-to-date specialist work
  • Traces the continuing development of the rules, as a response to changes within the English law of contract and to learn from developments being made in other legal systems
  • Highlights areas of contract law where there is likely to be significant debate about possible development in the coming years
  • Provides a perspective on the rules for the formation of contracts from an international and comparative dimension
  • Includes discussion throughout the book of difficult issues relating to contract formation as they arise in practice
  • Part I is devoted to pre-contractual negotiations (including remedies where negotiations fail to reach agreement) and finding...

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