LawBriefs: Constitutional Law 1st Edition

LawBriefs: Constitutional Law 1st Edition

By Melissa Castan


$91.00 RRP

Date: 10/12/2015

Code: 9780455234243

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA


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Book LawBriefs: Constitutional Law 1st Edition 10/12/2015 9780455234243 $91.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook LawBriefs: Constitutional Law book + eBook 15/12/2015 41659880 $119.00 Add to cart
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Thomson Reuters LawBriefs are an ideal companion to your studies in law. They include compact summaries of the law and unique diagrammatic explanations or mind maps in each chapter, which help you to understand complex legal concepts and how they relate to one another.

Thomson Reuters LawBriefs present each subject area in a student friendly way to help you get the most out of your time studying. Each book in the series provides a succinct but substantive overview of the law, enabling you to study smarter, not longer.

Table of contents

1. Introductory Concepts

2. Australia’s Constitutional History

3. State Parliamentary Procedures

4. Constitutional Interpretation

5. Characterisation

6. Trade and Commerce Power: s 51(i)

7. Corporations Power: s 51(xx)

8. External Affairs Power: s 51(xxix)

9. Federal Power and Indigenous Australians: s 51(xxvi)

10. Financial Powers

11. Executive Power

12. Separation of Judicial Power: Commonwealth

13. Separation of Powers: States and Territories

14. Inconsistency

15. Intergovernmental Immunities: State Immunity from Commonwealth Laws

16. Intergovernmental Immunities: Commonwealth Immunity from State Law

17. Section 92: Freedom of Interstate Trade, Commerce and Intercourse

18. Express Rights and Freedoms

19. Implied Civil and Political Rights

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