Legal Psychology in Australia 1st Edition

Legal Psychology in Australia 1st Edition

By Mark Nolan, Jane Goodman-Delahunty


$186.00 RRP

Date: 25/09/2015

Code: 9780455223889

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Format Title Date Code Price
Book Legal Psychology in Australia 1st Edition 25/09/2015 9780455223889 $186.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Legal Psychology in Australia Book+eBook 20/09/2015 41672986 $244.00 Add to cart
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 Legal Psychology in Australia is an introductory book aimed at enabling the teaching of legal psychology to law students, (forensic) psychology students, criminology students, and a range of students from diverse professions (eg. social work, psychiatric nursing, mediation, policy-makers, and investigative journalism) relevant to the legal system

Authored by experienced empirical legal psychological researchers and teachers Mark Nolan and Jane Goodman-Delahunty, both dual-trained in law and psychology, and with teaching experience in both law schools and psychology departments, this book speaks both the language of law and the language of psychology. Case law and statute law from Australia are discussed and used as examples to ground the study of empirical psychological research from Australia and overseas. 

Legal Psychology in Australia will encourage law students to learn more about the psychological evidence base that can and should be used as the basis for law reform and the analysis of Australian law in action.

Psychology professionals and academic psychologists in training will also find this text valuable in narrowing the gap between the two disciplines to help foster a truly interdisciplinary approach to the solution of problems within legal and psychological practice.

Table of Contents



Investigation, Policing and Community Relations

Memory Processes in Legal Settings

Investigative Interviewing

Detecting Deception

Mental Disorder and Law

Children in the Criminal Justice System

Jury Trials and Jury Decision Making

Sentencing Dispositions and Decisions

Correctional Management

Understanding and Supporting Families and Children

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