Lindley on Partnership 21st Edition

Lindley on Partnership 21st Edition


$975.00 RRP

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Date: 30/11/2022

Code: 9780414092051

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM

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Book Lindley on Partnership 21st Edition 30/11/2022 9780414092051 $975.00 Add to cart


Lindley & Banks on Partnership gives you comprehensive, authoritative and practical coverage of the law relating to both general and limited partnerships. This seminal text on partnerships, first published in 1860, reflects the current editor’s wide practical experience in this area of law and gives you detailed commentary on all aspects of the life of a partnership, from its nature and formation to the usual contents of a partnership agreement and common areas of dispute, the liabilities undertaken by partners both internally and externally and, finally, to dissolution, winding up and insolvency. It also explains how partnerships are taxed. The 21st edition covers all legal changes since the last edition, with reference to UK and Commonwealth authorities where relevant.
New to the latest edition:
  • Explains the latest tax, finance and regulatory changes affecting partnerships
  • Highlights other statutory developments
  • Reappraisal of various problematic areas of partnership law
  • Case law updates to all relevant areas, including:
    • Procter v Procter
    • Baines v Dixon Coles & Gill
    • Patel v Barlows Solicitors
    • Rennie v Rennie
    • Malik v Hussain 
    • Joseph v Deloitte NSE LLP


Table of Contents

  • Part 1 - The Nature of Partnership
    • Chapter 1 - Introduction
    • Chapter 2 - Definition of Partnership
    • Chapter 3 - General Nature of a Partnership
    • Chapter 4 - Capacity of Partners
    • Chapter 5 - Rules for Ascertaining the Existence of a Partnership
    • Chapter 6 - Consideration for a Contract of Partnership
    • Chapter 7 - Evidence by which a Partnership may be Proved
    • Chapter 8 - Illegal Partnerships
    • Chapter 9 - Duration of Partnership
  • Part 2 - Formation of a Partnership by Formal Agreement
  • Chapter 10 - Partnership Agreements
  • Chapter 11 - Corporate and Group Partnerships
  • Chapter 12 - The Liability of a Partner for the Acts of His Co-Partners
  • Chapter 13 - The Nature and Duration of a Partner’s Liability to Third Parties
  • Chapter 14 - Actions by and Against Partners
  • Chapter 15 - Management and Decision-Making
  • Chapter 16 - The Duty of Good Faith
  • Chapter 17 - Partnership Capital
  • Chapter 18 - Partnership Property
  • Chapter 19 - Partnership Shares
  • Chapter 20 - The Financial Rights and Duties of a Partner
  • Chapter 21 - Ascertainment and Division of Profits
  • Chapter 22 - Partnership Books and Accounts
  • Chapter 23 - Actions Between Partners
  • Chapter 24 - Dissolution and its Causes
  • Chapter 25 - Winding Up the Partnership Affairs
  • Chapter 26 - Death of a Partner
  • Chapter 27 - Insolvency
  • Chapter 28 - Introduction
  • Chapter 29 - Nature, Formation, Registration and Designation
  • Chapter 30 - The Rights and Obligations of the Partners as Regards Third Parties
  • Chapter 31 - The Rights and Obligations of the Partners between Themselves
  • Chapter 32 - Dissolution and Winding Up
  • Chapter 33 - Insolvency
  • Chapter 34 - Income Tax
  • Chapter 35 - Capital Gains Tax
  • Chapter 36 - Inheritance Tax
  • Chapter 37 - Value Added Tax
  • Chapter 38 - Stamp Duty Land Tax and Related Taxes
  • Part 3 - The Rights and Obligations of Partners as Regards Third Parties
  • Part 4 - The Rights and Obligations of Partners Between Themselves
  • Part 5 - Dissolution and Winding-up
  • Part 6 - Limited Partnerships
  • Part 7 - Taxation

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