Local Government Index NSW Dale
Looseleaf Price: POA |
Date: 14/03/2012 Code: 30141941 Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA |
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Looseleaf | Local Government Index NSW Dale | 14/03/2012 | 30141941 | POA |
The law relating to matters regulated and administered by local government, environment and planning bodies is spread over numerous Acts, Ordinances and Regulations. This service indexes major legislation relevant to local government in NSW, including the Local Government Act 1993, Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and their amendments, relevant pollution legislation and related local government statutes, regulations and ordinances. Subject matter is classified under broad headings such as Electricity, Public Works and Roads, with individual items cross-referenced.
The Recent Developments tabcard alerts practitioners to the latest additions and deletions to important local government legislation in NSW. An additional feature is the Local Government Table of Related Provisions – a useful practitioner tool which serves as a quick reference for finding and comparing local government legislation to related regulations .
Thomson Reuters offers a suit of local government titles for the benefit of practitioners. Other titles include Local Government Law and Practice NSW, Local Government Regulations NSW, Bluett's Local Government Handbook and Local Government Law Journal.
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