Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges

Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges

By Antonin Scalia, Bryan A Garner


$66.00 RRP

Date: 02/05/2008

Code: 9780314184719

West Group, USA

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Book Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges 02/05/2008 9780314184719 $66.00 Add to cart


In their professional lives, courtroom lawyers must do these two things well: speak persuasively and write persuasively. In this noteworthy book, two noted legal writers systematically present every important idea about judicial persuasion in a fresh, entertaining way. The book covers the essentials of sound legal reasoning, including how to develop the syllogism that underlies any argument. From there the authors explain the art of brief writing, especially what to include and what to omit, so that you can induce the judge to focus closely on your arguments. Finally, they show what it takes to succeed in oral argument.
Jurisdiction: USA

Editorial Reviews

From:  Hearsay Issue 47, February 2011
Reviewed by: Karen Carmody

115 Chapters and 206 pages of text. Who would have thought that such a small book would pack such a punch? If you have spent years wading through tombs on the art of persuasion you will probably regret that you were not able to turn to this book years ago. Antonin Scalia is the Senior Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and has co-authored this...

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