Media and Internet Law and Practice Volumes 1-3

Media and Internet Law and Practice Volumes 1-3

By Paul Mallam, Sophie Dawson, Jaclyn Moriarty


Price: POA

Date: 15/08/2012

Code: 30122502

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Media and Internet Law and Practice Volumes 1-3

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Looseleaf Media and Internet Law and Practice Volumes 1-3 15/08/2012 30122502 POA
eSub - ProView Media and Internet Law and Practice eSubscription 01/06/2014 41638999 POA


Paul Mallam has been the co-author of Media and Internet Law and Practice and its predecessor publications since 1993. Paul has been a leading Australian adviser to the media and communications sector for over 20 years. This experience is reflected in the concise, practical and insightful commentary on what has been a rapidly changing and ever more complex area of law. The other co-authors of the service are Sophie Dawson and Jaci Moriarty, who are also recognised media and communications law experts.

The service continues to be a cutting edge reference which focuses on, and anticipates, new directions, as well as being a source of current developments. Examples of recent developments include the digital platforms inquiry, the Briggs report on online safety and the proposed changes to defamation law as part of the review of the model defamation provisions by the Council of Attorneys-General, with the most fundamental changes being the proposed introduction of a serious harm test and the proposed single publication rule. The service explains all of these developments and the legal framework in which they have taken place in an accessible format which is ideal for any practitioner working across the media, communications and the internet sectors.
* Subscription price includes 12 months of updating releases. Further updates invoiced separately. 

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