Natural Resources Law

Natural Resources Law


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Date: 08/12/2015

Code: 9780455236667

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Natural Resources Law

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Natural Resources Law 08/12/2015 9780455236667 POA


Natural Resources Law is a compilation of material from six Thomson Reuters' publications. Covering Environmental Law, Water Law, Emissions Trading Law and Animal Law, the text provides a foundation to students studying this area of law.

Compiled for students studying at the University of New England, this compilation is available to other educational institutions.

NOTE: This publication is no longer available in hard copy format and is only available for purchase as an ebook from VitalSource. Click here for the ebook. 

Table of Contents


1. Commonwealth Environmental Law

2. The Normative Sources of Sustainability

3. Sustainability in Australian Legislation

4. Rules of Limitation - Regulatory, Liability and Market Rules

5. Facilitation of Resource Development

6. The International Framework of Environmental Law

7. Agriculture

8. Biodiversity

9. Forests Law

10. Coastal and Riverside Land

11. Water Supply

12. Catchment Management

13. Mining

14. Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystems



15. Australian Water Law - Introduction

16. Evolution of Water Rights

17. Water Planning and Management

18. Rights to Access and Use Water

19. Water Markets: Dealing and Trading in Water Rights

20. Community Water and Sewerage Infrastructure and Services

21. Access and Competition

22. Environmental Water and Protection

23. Water Quality



24. Emissions Trading Schemes

25. Movement towards an Australian Emissions Trading Scheme

26. The Principal Statutory Authorities



27. Overview of Animal Law in Australia

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