NSW Statutes Annotations and References

NSW Statutes Annotations and References

By Bert Wicks


Price: N/A

Date: 14/06/2012

Code: 30144739

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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NSW Statutes Annotations and References

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Digest NSW Statutes Annotations and References 14/06/2012 30144739 N/A


NSW Statutes Annotations & References provides a quick and easy research tool to navigate New South Wales Acts.

It provides statute references, highlighting legal relationships between principal Acts by listing cross-references, and annotations, including articles and judicial consideration of specific provisions.

The service consists of a looseleaf volume (from 2003 - date) and two bound collections of New South Wales Statutes Annotations and References, covering the years 1824-1988 and 1998-2003 respectively.

NSW Legislation in Force outlines the long title and responsible Minister for each New South Wales principal Act. A list of current subordinate legislation made under the principal Act is also incorporated in this publication.

Also part of the service is the Wicks Subject Index to the Acts and Regulations of New South Wales, which contains a subject-based index providing current legislative information. It enables a researcher to identify which legislation governs a particular area of interest.

* Subscription price includes 12 months of updating releases. Further updates invoiced separately.

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