Nutshell: Equity Sixth Edition

Nutshell: Equity Sixth Edition

By Tina Cockburn, James Byrnes, Rebecca Wright


$45.00 RRP

Date: 13/05/2024

Code: 9780455248356

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Format Title Date Code Price
Book Nutshell: Equity Sixth Edition 13/05/2024 9780455248356 $45.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Nutshell: Equity Sixth Edition - eBook 09/05/2024 9780455248363 $45.00 Add to cart
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Lawbook Co. Nutshells are the essential revision tool: they provide a concise outline of the principles for each of the major subject areas within undergraduate law. 

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Table of Contents

PART ONE. Introduction to Equity

1. The nature and history of equity

2. The maxims of equity

PART TWO. Equitable Interests in Property

3. Equitable interests and priorities

4. Equitable assignments

5. Subrogation, contribution and marshalling

PART THREE. Relationships of Trust and Confidence

6. Fiduciary relationships

7. Confidential information

PART FOUR. Unconscionable Conduct

8. Fraud, innocent misrepresentation and mistake

9. Undue influence and unconscionable dealing

10. Penalties and forfeiture

11. Estoppel

PART FIVE. Equitable Defences

12. Equitable defences

PART SIX. Equitable Personal Remedies

13. Specific performance

14. Injunctions and declarations

15. Equitable compensation, damages and account of profits

16. Other remedies

PART SEVEN. Equitable Proprietary Remedies

17. Constructive trusts

18. Tracing

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