Parry and Kerridge: Law of Succession 13e

Parry and Kerridge: Law of Succession 13e


$85.00 RRP

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Date: 02/08/2016

Code: 9780414033580

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM


Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Parry and Kerridge: Law of Succession 13e 02/08/2016 9780414033580 $85.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Parry & Kerridge: Law of Succession 13th Edition eBook 31/07/2016 9780414059139 $85.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Parry & Kerridge: Law of Succession 13th Edition Book + eBook 15/09/2016 9780414059146 $111.00 Add to cart


Parry and Kerridge: Law of Succession has been the leading textbook on the law of succession for over 70 years, providing the detail required for a full understanding of the subject.


  • Covers wills and intestacy as well as probate and the administration of estates
  • Acts as an essential text for students and is a highly useful point of reference for practitioners
  • The content is second to none in its detail and comprehensiveness, covering all the key topics such as wills and intestacy, probate and the administration of estates
  • Now more contemporary in style and approach, the book is viewed as now being more accessible to the undergraduate

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