Pleading Precedents 7th Edition - Book

Pleading Precedents 7th Edition - Book

By Edmund Finnane, Raphael Perla


$248.00* RRP

Forthcoming Release, 30/08/2024

Code: 9780455233925

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA


Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Pleading Precedents 7th Edition - Book 30/08/2024 9780455233925 $248.00 Pre-order
Book+eBook Pleading Precedents 7th Edition - Book+eBook 30/08/2024 41749779 $339.00 Pre-order
eBook - ProView Pleading Precedents 7th Edition - eBook 30/08/2024 9780455235912 $248.00 Pre-order


Pleading Precedents Seventh Edition provides the reader with a wide range of precedents for actions in contract, tort, and other general law areas, as well as under various statutes.

This work includes an introductory chapter providing guidance on the drafting of good pleadings, by reference to the rules of court and important cases on the topic.

The precedents address a wide range of claims, defences and cross-claims, particularly in the areas of tort, contract and money claims, but also in a range of other commonly litigated areas, such as liquidators’ claims in corporate insolvency and claims for misleading or deceptive conduct.

The entire work has been thoroughly revised in light of developments since the last edition. Redundant precedents have been removed, several have been rewritten, and a number of new precedents have been added.

These new developments have included legislative changes as well as decisions of the New South Wales Court of Appeal which have made it clear that pleadings ought to address the provisions of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW) expressly.

This update is essential for anyone preparing claims in negligence, as the old precedent books can no longer be relied upon.

Pleading Precedents is a concise, practical and portable resource for practitioners and students.


All precedents contained in the work are made exclusively available to purchasers online in Word format. 

Pre-order: This item will be available on: 30 Aug 2024

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