Police Law and Practice in New Zealand - Book & eBook

Police Law and Practice in New Zealand - Book & eBook


$306.00* RRP

Note the physical book portion of this bundle will be on back order and shipped as soon as it is available.

Date: 15/12/2021

Code: 42813863



Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Police Law and Practice in New Zealand - Book 21/12/2021 9781990018220 $225.01 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Police Law and Practice in New Zealand - eBook 15/12/2021 9781990018237 $235.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Police Law and Practice in New Zealand - Book & eBook 15/12/2021 42813863 $306.00 Add to cart


Police Law and Practice is a comprehensive source that offers a complete treatment of police conduct and practice in New Zealand.  It pulls together all topics relating to the New Zealand Police, their investigative functions and powers, and the conduct and prosecution of offences.



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  • An email with a registration key and instructions for accessing your eBook will be sent after checkout. For existing ProView users the eBook will appear in your library after checkout.

  • Forthcoming/pre-order eBooks will be available after the publication date.

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