Project Finance 4th edition

Project Finance 4th edition

By Graham Vinter, Gareth Price, David Lee


$989.00 RRP

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Date: 21/08/2013

Code: 9780414042391

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM


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Book Project Finance 4th edition 21/08/2013 9780414042391 $989.00 Add to cart


This popular and highly respected text examines and gives guidance on the more important legal and commercial issues that arise in the course of project financing. Written in a simple and informative style, this book explains current market practice and how various techniques are used and adapted in a range of different sectors, from large cross-border upstream oil and gas projects to small to medium sized PPP projects.

  • Explains the legal issues involved in the tendering, negotiation, financial structuring and management of infrastructure and energy products.
  • Provides detailed guidance in one source on the many branches of law involved in a typical project financing.
  • Covers all types of project financing, from large cross-border upstream oil & gas projects to small Public-Private Partnership projects.
  • Contains separate sections on the many different commercial sectors where project financings take place.
  • Advises on commercial and financial issues in addition to strictly legal topics.
  • Features chapters on running competitions and how to structure a bid.
  • Considers the position where a project runs into trouble.
  • Examines the insurance issues relevant for project finance
The Parties Objectives. Running a Competition. Structuring the Bid. Types of Vehicle. The Contractual Framework; Bankability. The Principle Finance Documents. Sponsor Support, Security and Related Issues. Projects in Trouble. Insurance  Issues. Export Credit and Multilateral Agencies. Other Issues. Some Specific Areas of Project Finance. LNG Projects. Public Private Partnerships.
Jurisdiction: UK/EU/Commonwealth

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