Quick on Costs eSub

Quick on Costs eSub

By Roger Quick

eSub - ProView

Price: POA

Date: 02/03/2017

Code: 42104576

Thomson Reuters, AUSTRALIA

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Looseleaf Quick on Costs 13/08/2012 30142022 POA
eSub - ProView Quick on Costs eSub 02/03/2017 42104576 POA


A practical analysis of the principles and practice of the law of costs in Australia
Covering both solicitor and client costs and costs between parties, Quick on Costs gives a general and comparative exposition of the law of costs as it applies in the Supreme Courts of the States and Territories of Australia, the High Court of Australia, the Federal Court of Australia, and the Family Court of Australia as well as the English High Court. 
In response to upheaval in the law of costs in Australia over the past years Quick on Costs is undergoing a comprehensive enhancement in which the author, Roger Quick, is rewriting the service chapter by chapter, ensuring the content is easy to use and in line with practitioners' needs.



  • An essential resource for understanding and navigating the day to day intricacies or retainers, costs agreements, disclosure, bills and more.
  • Extensive coverage of both solicitor and client costs and costs between parties.
  • Complex areas of costs regulation are analysed and broken down to help ensure practitioners don’t get caught out.
  • Covers all Australian jurisdictions, keeping commentary up to date with all changes to scales and regulations as well as relevant cases.
  • Assesses international approaches to costs regulation where relevant for Australian jurisdictions.

Subscription is for 12 months.

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