Sentencing Law in New Zealand eBook

Sentencing Law in New Zealand eBook


$173.00* RRP

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Date: 22/04/2021

Code: 9781988591360



Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Sentencing Law in New Zealand 19/04/2021 9781988591353 $173.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Sentencing Law in New Zealand Book + eBook 22/04/2021 42659453 $226.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Sentencing Law in New Zealand eBook 22/04/2021 9781988591360 $173.00 Add to cart


Sentencing Law in New Zealand covers all major aspects of sentencing law and procedure, combining in-depth analysis with practical and procedural guidance to meet the needs of practitioners and academics alike.

The text opens with an introduction to sentencing and examination of the rationale behind the Sentencing Act and other relevant legislation which affects sentencing.  The next chapters look at types of sentences which may be imposed; sentencing process; and sentencing in practice; ending with post-sentencing matters and a conclusion.  

Sentencing Law in New Zealand is a modern, concise text suitable for use by academics, students, legal professionals practising in criminal and traffic law, and members of the judiciary.



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