Sex, Gender, Sexuality and the Law - eBook

Sex, Gender, Sexuality and the Law - eBook

By Samantha Hardy, Olivia Rundle, Damien Riggs

eBook - ProView

$186.00* RRP

Date: 01/08/2016

Code: 9780455237510

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Sex, Gender, Sexuality and the Law - Book 12/08/2016 9780455237503 $186.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Sex, Gender, Sexuality and the Law - Book & eBook 31/07/2016 41934229 $244.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Sex, Gender, Sexuality and the Law - eBook 01/08/2016 9780455237510 $186.00 Add to cart


In the past decade, people whose bodies, genders or sexualities differ from socially expected norms have become more visible and have been granted greater recognition within the law. Yet despite this, many service providers do not have a strong understanding of the social and legal issues that continue to have a significant impact on these diverse groups of people and their relationships and families. In order to address this knowledge gap, this book brings together research findings from often disparate disciplines into an accessible and useful form for practitioners, as well as for researchers, academics, students, and the general public.

Part 1 defines key terms, and addresses the psychosocial and legal issues faced by trans or gender diverse, intersex, and/or non-heterosexual individuals. Part 2 looks at the psychosocial and legal aspects of couple relationships. Part 3 considers parenting and families. Part 4 discusses practical tips for professionals working with this client group, including specific content for lawyers and mediators. As a whole, this book both questions the presumed neutrality of the law, yet insists that it is possible for the law to play a key role in challenging cisgenderism and heterosexism.

Table of Contents


1. Defining Sex, Gender and Sexuality

2. Defining Discrimination

3. Coming Out: Disclosure and visibility

4. Legal recognition

5. Discrimination

6. Particular issues for young people

7. Particular issues for older people


8. Formation of relationships

9. Relationship experiences

10. Social and legal recognition of relationships

11. Relationship difficulties and endings

PART 3: Parenting and Families

12. Formation and legal recognition of minority families

13. Life in minority families

14. Conflict in minority families


15. Advice for Practitioners

16. Advice for Lawyers

17. Advice for Mediators

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