Sport and Entertainment Law First Edition Book + eBook

Sport and Entertainment Law First Edition Book + eBook

By Chris Davies


$205.00* RRP

Date: 30/08/2021

Code: 42896250

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Sport and Entertainment Law First Edition 06/09/2021 9780455245690 $157.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Sport and Entertainment Law First Edition Book + eBook 30/08/2021 42896250 $205.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Sport and Entertainment Law First Edition eBook 30/08/2021 9780455245706 $157.00 Add to cart


Sport and Entertainment Law provides a clear and concise account of the law relating to  sport and entertainment. It provides background material to explain what actually is sport and entertainment, how the law works, governance and tribunals. An overview of the relevant core areas of law, such as contract, torts and competition law, is provided in the  respective chapter, along with a discussion as to how that law applies to sport and entertainment. Each chapter contains the relevant legislation for each jurisdiction. While the emphasis is on Australian cases, overseas cases are also included when appropriate.   

Some questions to consider are provided at the end of each chapter, along with a list of journal articles which provide further reading on the material covered in that chapter.

The Author

Dr Chris Davies B Sc BA LLB James Cook University; PhD Sydney University; Associate Professor, College of Business, Law and Governance, James Cook University.       

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. What is Sport and Entertainment Law?

3. How the Law Works

4. The Governance of Sport and Entertainment

5. Sporting Tribunals

6. Contract Law

7. The Business of Sport and Entertainment

8. Intellectual Property and Censorship

9. Sponsorship and Marketing

10. Tortious Liability: Specific Torts

11. Tortious Liability: Negligence

12. Criminal Liability

13. Doping

14. Discrimination

15. Evidence


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