Sports & the Law :Text Cases & Problems 4th ed

Sports & the Law :Text Cases & Problems 4th ed

By Paul Weiller, Gary Roberts, Roger Abrams, Stephen Ross


$490.00 RRP

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Date: 13/10/2010

Code: 9780314199867

West Group, USA


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Book Sports & the Law :Text Cases & Problems 4th ed 13/10/2010 9780314199867 $490.00 Add to cart


This casebook introduces the fundamentals of labor, antitrust, and intellectual property law as applied in the professional and amateur sporting industries. It covers the unique office of the league commissioner; the contract, antitrust, and labor law dimensions of the player-labor market; the peculiar institution of the player agent in a unionized industry; the economic and legal implications of agreements among league owners and responses to rival leagues; and more. It also covers issues of statutory interpretation, administrative law, and torts. This edition updates material on the business of sports with the latest antitrust, preemption, drug testing, and labor relations cases.

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