The Australian Legal System: History, Institutions and Method 2nd

The Australian Legal System: History, Institutions and Method 2nd

By Russell Hinchy


$171.00 RRP

Date: 26/02/2015

Code: 9780455235721

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Book The Australian Legal System: History, Institutions and Method 2nd 26/02/2015 9780455235721 $171.00 Add to cart



The Australian Legal System: History, Institutions and Method second edition delivers a thorough and balanced introduction to the Australian Legal System. It provides a clear grounding in the western and indigenous legal traditions, as well as the history of Australian law and legal institutions. There is a special emphasis on legal method which forms the basis of legal understanding. In particular, the text analyses and explains legal method – the following and distinguishing of precedent, statutory interpretation and the identification of ratio – which prepares students for their legal study.

Table of Contents


Development of the Common Law in England

Reception of English Law in Australia

Indigenous Legal Tradition


Legal and Political Institutions in Colonial Australia

Federation in Australia

Political Institutions in Australia

Judiciary and Courts in Australia


Legal Reasoning

Precedent Theory and Case Analysis

Following and Distinguishing Precedent

Primary Legislation

Delegated Legislation

Theories of Statutory Interpretation

Application of Principles of Statutory Interpretation

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