The Law Relating to Banker & Customer eSubscription

The Law Relating to Banker & Customer eSubscription

By Gregory Burton SC, Prudence Weaver, Gerard Breen

eSub - ProView

Price: POA

Date: 01/08/2014

Code: 41639003

Thomson Reuters, AUSTRALIA

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Looseleaf The Law Relating to Banker and Customer in Australia 07/09/2012 30144967 POA
eSub - ProView The Law Relating to Banker & Customer eSubscription 01/08/2014 41639003 POA


"Weaver & Craigie" represents the accumulation of four generations of distinguished scholarship on banking law in Australia. It is imbued with not only the law but also the lore on the subject. This service strikes a balance in a field where "traditional" categories of "banking law" in payment and credit are now the domain of many financial institutions and the "traditional" banks themselves provide a range of services beyond the traditional categories and continue to expand the range of such services. 

The Banking & Finance Reports Australia (BFRA),  takes a broad view of what constitutes a banking and finance case and offers a compilation for the convenience of practitioners. The cases reported raise issues that are important for banking and finance law and are covered within the commentary of the service. All cases reported include a specially prepared headnote focusing on the specific banking and finance issues raised, prepared by practitioners experienced in banking, finance, insolvency and related areas.

Decisions from all jurisdictions are included, with coverage including the High Court, Federal Court, Federal Magistrates Court and the State Supreme Courts.

Table of Contents

The third edition work combines detailed commentary on established and emerging areas of the law regarding banking and finance, as well as reproducing the relevent legislation and non-statutory materials such as the Code of Banking Practice 2003 which commenced August 2003.

The fifteen chapters in the work, each with their own blue tabcard, deal with the following subjects:
The Australian financial system: law, practice, regulation, institutions
Financial institution and customer: basic principles
Financial institution and customer: accounts and types of customer
Payment, credit and exchange mechanisms
Consumer payment and finance
Negotiable instruments: bills and notes; trade and finance applications
Negotiable instruments: cheques
Financial institutions paying and collecting cheques
Mistaken transactions
Business finance facilities
Mortgages and charges
Securities: enforcement and relief
Documentary credits and other independent payment obligations

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