The TRIPS Agreement 5th Edition

The TRIPS Agreement 5th Edition

By Daniel Gervais


$752.00 RRP

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Date: 31/03/2021

Code: 9780414057432

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM

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Format Title Date Code Price
Book The TRIPS Agreement 5th Edition 31/03/2021 9780414057432 $752.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Best Value The TRIPS Agreement 5e Book+eBook 08/04/2021 9780414085138 $960.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView The TRIPS Agreement 5e eBook 08/04/2021 9780414085145 $752.00 Add to cart


The TRIPS Agreement: Drafting History and Analysis provides definitive insight into one of the most significant intellectual property legal agreements. This book is written by Daniel Gervais, who was actively involved in the original negotiations, and offers a detailed examination of the trade rules and intellectual property concepts that comprise the agreement.
It is uniquely positioned to give you a historical view of the drafting history of the TRIPS Agreement as well as practical commentary on its application today.
This fifth edition comes at a crucial period. It has been substantially updated and restructured in the aftermath of the landmark Australia tobacco plain packaging dispute and subsequent appeals – the single most significant case concerning the TRIPS Agreement in recent time. Key features include:
  • Article-by-article analysis of the TRIPS Agreement – the most significant international agreement on intellectual property to date.
  • Interpretation of all 73 articles from a unique authority on TRIPS who was involved in the original negotiations as consultant and legal officer with the WTO.

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