Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Law Second Edition

Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Law Second Edition

By Trevor Atherton, Trudie Atherton


$164.00 RRP

Date: 16/12/2010

Code: 9780455228372

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA


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Book Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Law Second Edition 16/12/2010 9780455228372 $164.00 Add to cart


Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Law, 2nd Edition presents the law relating to this important and expanding field in a clear and interesting way. The text provides a comprehensive coverage of relevant law from a practical, industry perspective.

The principles are traced from their historical background through to current policy issues. International conventions governing the subject are reviewed and the relevant legislation for each Australia State and Territory is examined and compared. The related institutional framework for tourism at national and international level is also described and self regulatory initiatives are analysed.

Key cases are discussed and the text includes exercises in each chapter for practice in identifying and applying the principles covered. Comprehensive footnotes and references facilitate further research.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Common law
  3. Statute
  4. Contract
  5. Torts
  6. Criminal Law
  7. Insurance
  8. Employment
  9. Consumer Protection
  10. Dispute resolution
  11. Travel agency and distribution
  12. Passenger Transport
  13. Traveller Accommodation
  14. Food and Beverage
  15. Activities and attractions

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