XYZ Model Financial Accounts - Simplified Disclosure 2024

XYZ Model Financial Accounts - Simplified Disclosure 2024

By Grant Thornton


$470.00 RRP

New Release, 18/05/2024

Code: 9780864601094

Thomson Reuters, AUSTRALIA


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Online XYZ Model Financial Accounts – Simplified Disclosures 01/06/2019 41413003 N/A
Book XYZ Model Financial Accounts - Simplified Disclosure 2024 18/05/2024 9780864601094 $470.00 Add to cart


XYZ Model Financial Accounts – Simplified Disclosures (formerly Reduced Disclosure Requirements)
The XYZ Model Financial Accounts – Simplified Disclosures keeps users up to date with the latest disclosure requirements and other critical information for preparing financial statements under simplified disclosures. This publication provides a range of information and tools, including:
  • discussion on simplified disclosures and recent developments affecting Tier 2 entities;
  • flowcharts to determine how simplified disclosures are applied;
  • SD-specific model financial accounts incorporating updated presentation and disclosures for the annual reporting period ending 30 June;
  • disclosure checklists of all SD and other financial reporting requirements typically applicable to Tier 2 entities;
  • discussion on financial reporting requirements to assist financial statement preparers moving into Tier 1 or Tier 2; and
  • model financial accounts for a range of entities, including unlisted public companies, private companies and incorporated associations, prepared using SD.

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