A Practical Guide to Drafting Patents
Book $455.00 RRP |
Dispatched from overseas. Estimated delivery 3-6 weeks. Date: 30/12/2006 Code: 9780421938809 Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM |
![]() A Practical Guide to Drafting Patents
Price: $455.00
Dispatched from overseas. Estimated delivery 3-6 weeks.
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Format | Title | Date | Code | Price | |
Book | A Practical Guide to Drafting Patents | 30/12/2006 | 9780421938809 | $455.00 |
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![]() A Practical Guide to Drafting Patents
Price: $455.00
Dispatched from overseas. Estimated delivery 3-6 weeks.
This guide provides clear, practical guidance on how to go about drafting patents and considers both the legal and commercial issues involved.
The book examines what all the parties involved require from a patent including the authorities that grant patents and the courts that examine them. Each part of the patent application is reviewed in detail, explaining how it can best be written. Key rules for effective drafting are pinpointed and examples are used throughout to make the issues clear.
The book examines what all the parties involved require from a patent including the authorities that grant patents and the courts that examine them. Each part of the patent application is reviewed in detail, explaining how it can best be written. Key rules for effective drafting are pinpointed and examples are used throughout to make the issues clear.
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