Australian Consumer Law: Commentary and Materials Seventh Edition - Book + eBook

Australian Consumer Law: Commentary and Materials Seventh Edition - Book + eBook

By Sharon Erbacher, Philip Clarke


$265.00* RRP

Date: 25/04/2022

Code: 42922274

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book+eBook Australian Consumer Law: Commentary and Materials Seventh Edition - Book + eBook 25/04/2022 42922274 $265.00 Add to cart
Book Australian Consumer Law: Commentary and Materials Seventh Edition 26/04/2022 9780455245928 $204.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Australian Consumer Law: Commentary and Materials Seventh Edition - eBook 25/04/2022 9780455245935 $204.00 Add to cart


Now in its Seventh Edition, Australian Consumer Law: Commentary and Materials contains an up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of all key provisions in the Australian Consumer Law. Areas covered include the general prohibition of misleading or deceptive conduct, specific protections against unfair practices, unconscionable conduct and unfair contract terms, consumer guarantees and product safety and liability. There is also detailed coverage of private and public remedies and enforcement powers. The careful selection and curation of cases, combined with detailed expert commentary, makes the book an essential resource for students of Australian Consumer Law as well as practitioners in this area.

This edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to incorporate new developments such as:

  • The expansion of the protection of the ACL’s unconscionable conduct provisions to public corporations;
  • The increased protection for consumers and businesses resulting from the raising of the monetary threshold to $100,000 for determining who is a “consumer”;
  • The implementation of key recommendations from the 2017 Australian Consumer Law Review, including higher maximum penalties for a contravention and wider powers for the ACCC to obtain information; and
  • Landmark new cases including Gill v Ethicon, ACCC v Fuji Xerox, Moore v Scenic Tours, ACCC v Employsure, Vautin v BY Winddown Inc and Capic v Ford Motor Company of Australia Pty Ltd.

Table of Contents

Part I: Introduction
CHAPTER 1: Scope and Policy Objectives
CHAPTER 2: Key Concepts
Part II: Misleading Conduct and False Representations
CHAPTER 3: The Prohibition of Misleading or Deceptive Conduct
CHAPTER 4: Conduct Which May Be Misleading or Deceptive
CHAPTER 5: Advertising
CHAPTER 6: Specific Prohibitions of False or Misleading Representations
Part III: Unconscionable or Unfair Conduct, Terms or Practices
CHAPTER 7: Unconscionable Conduct
CHAPTER 8: Unfair Contract Terms
CHAPTER 9: Unfair Practices
CHAPTER 10: Scams
Part IV: Consumer Transactions
CHAPTER 11: The Consumer Guarantees Regime
CHAPTER 12: Consumer Guarantees for Goods
CHAPTER 13: Consumer Guarantees for Services
CHAPTER 14: Remedies for Consumer Guarantees
CHAPTER 15: Consumer Agreements and Miscellaneous
Part V: Product Safety and Product Liability
CHAPTER 16: Product Safety
CHAPTER 17: Liability of Manufacturers for Goods with Safety Defects
Part VI: Remedies and Enforcement
CHAPTER 18: Organisational and Personal Liability
CHAPTER 19: Enforcement 
CHAPTER 20: Private Remedies


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