Corones' Australian Consumer Law Fifth Edition - eBook

Corones' Australian Consumer Law Fifth Edition - eBook

By Jeannie Paterson

eBook - ProView

$176.00* RRP

Date: 21/03/2023

Code: 9780455246048

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
eBook - ProView Corones' Australian Consumer Law Fifth Edition - eBook 21/03/2023 9780455246048 $176.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Corones' Australian Consumer Law Fifth Edition - Book + eBook 21/03/2023 42922947 $228.00 Add to cart
Book Corones' Australian Consumer Law Fifth Edition 21/03/2023 9780455246031 $176.00 Add to cart


Corones’ Australian Consumer Law explains in a detailed yet accessible treatment the substantive rights and remedies of consumers, and the obligations of traders under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL).

The ACL is a uniform consumer protection law that applies in all jurisdictions throughout Australia. This book explains the law created by the ACL and the policy underlying it. This book covers the general and specific provisions of the ACL, and the remedial and enforcement regimes. It examines how the different parts of the ACL inter-relate, the scope for overlap and why each provision is necessary to provide complete consumer protection.

Corones’ Australian Consumer Law, Fifth Edition is based on the work of Professor Stephen Corones, author of the first three editions. This edition has been revised and refreshed to reflect the now established position of the ACL in Australian law and its own growing body of case law.

The Fifth Edition covers reforms increasing the threshold price for the application of the consumer guarantees, and increasing maximum penalties and fines, as well as introducing penalties for including unfair terms.

This edition also considers important appellate decisions, including ACCC v Quantum Housing Group Pty Ltd [2021] FCAFC 40; (2021) 285 FCR 133 and Stubbings v Jams 2 Pty Ltd [2022] HCA 6 on the statutory prohibition on unconscionable conduct under s 21 ACL; Carnival plc v Karpik (The Ruby Princess) [2022] FCAFC 149 finding a clause banning class actions was not an unfair term under Pt 2-3 of the ACL; Gill v Ethicon Sarl (No 5)  (2020) 288 FCR 338; [2019] FCAFC 29 on the product liability pelvic mesh litigation; Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft v ACCC [2021] FCAFC 49; (2021) 284 FCR 24 on penalties for misleading conduct over diesel fuel emissions; and Moore v Scenic Tours Pty Ltd [2020] HCA 17; (2020) 268 CLR 326 on consumer guarantee compensatory damages for consequential losses.

Corones’ Australian Consumer Law remains the key text on consumer law in Australia, suitable for students and practitioners alike.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Consumer Protection Policy and the ACL
Chapter 2: Key Definitions and Concepts

Chapter 3: Misleading or Deceptive Conduct
Chapter 4: Unconscionable Conduct
Chapter 5: Unfair Contract Terms

Chapter 6: Specific False or Misleading Representations
Chapter 7: Specific Unfair Sales Practices
Chapter 8: Consumer Guarantees for Goods and Services
Chapter 9: Consumer Guarantees, Contracting Out and Warranties against Defects
Chapter 10: Consumer Agreements

Chapter 11: Product Recall, Safety Standards, Safety Bans and Notices
Chapter 12: Liability of Manufacturers for Goods with Safety Defects

Chapter 13: Public Enforcement
Chapter 14: Private Remedies
Chapter 15: Remedies Relating to the Consumer Guarantees

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