Building and Construction Law Journal: Bound Volumes

Building and Construction Law Journal: Bound Volumes

By Michael Christie SC


Price: POA

Date: 17/04/2012

Code: 30116669

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Building and Construction Law Journal: Bound Volumes

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Journal Building and Construction Law Journal: Parts 23/07/2012 30134763 POA
Journal Building and Construction Law Journal: Parts & Bound Volumes 23/07/2012 30127854 POA
Journal Building and Construction Law Journal: Bound Volumes 17/04/2012 30116669 POA


Bridging the theory and practice of building and construction law

The Building and Construction Law Journal tracks changes in, and provides commentary on, building and construction law, at both a national and international level. It is the ideal way to stay up-to-date and in touch for construction lawyers and also for other professionals in the building, construction, engineering and associated industries.

This journal updates readers on important legislative changes, as well as providing debate and analysis on building and construction claims, disputes, contracts and court decisions.

Every issue of the journal covers core subject areas plus specially headnoted multi-jurisdictional building and construction law reports.

Online, the Journal features the full backset to Volume 1, 1985, with links to judgments and other online publications, while allowing for individual articles to be downloaded in pdf format or received via RSS feed.

There are approximately six Parts and one Bound Volume published each year (receipt of Parts and/or Bound Volumes will depend on your subscription choice).


Bound Volumes will be invoiced on a per volume basis. There is approx 1 Bound Volume per year. Does not include loose Parts or Backset which are available separately at an additional price.

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