Commercial Contract Clauses 3e Book+eBook

Commercial Contract Clauses 3e Book+eBook

By Leigh Warnick SC, Joshua Thomson SC


$195.61* $489.01* RRP Save: $293.40 (60%)

Date: 28/06/2019

Code: 42658010

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA


Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Commercial Contract Clauses 3e 26/06/2019 9780455501499 $150.80 Add to cart
Book+eBook Commercial Contract Clauses 3e Book+eBook 28/06/2019 42658010 $195.61 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Commercial Contract Clauses 3e eBook 28/06/2019 9780455501505 $150.80 Add to cart


"Commercial Contract Clauses: Principles and Interpretation" 3rd edition  analyses  the process of construing and interpreting commercial contracts on a clause by clause basis. In this work, Joshua Thomson, Solicitor-General for Western Australia and Leigh Warnick of the Western Australian Bar and Justice Kenneth Martin, of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, apply their wide experience in elucidating matters of commercial significance and value.  


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