Comparable Verdicts In Personal Injury Claims: Britts

Comparable Verdicts In Personal Injury Claims: Britts

By Mary Maloney


Price: N/A

Date: 18/09/2012

Code: 30128018

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Comparable Verdicts In Personal Injury Claims: Britts

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Looseleaf Comparable Verdicts In Personal Injury Claims: Britts 18/09/2012 30128018 N/A


Comparable Verdicts in Personal Injury Claims is a compilation of important judgments in personal injury claims from jurisdictions around Australia. It supports injury related litigation by compiling and classifying the judgments.

Judgments are published in a digested form for quick reference and include both reported and unreported cases. Classified into over 100 categories, case summaries are supported by cross-referencing to assist in locating cases to determine their relevance to your needs before viewing the full report. A considerable list of reported and unreported decisions relating to assessment of damages and the classification of awards under specific injuries and disabilities is provided. Comparative tables of workers’ compensation awards from around Australia plus a glossary of medical terms and anatomical diagrams provide insights into possible awards for damages.

A "New Developments" section includes news of legislation and cases that are of interest to those working in the personal injury field. The "Recommended Reading" section lists articles by topic area that may be of interest to users of the service. The "Cases News" section provides recent Digest summaries of cases from the High Court of Australia and from the state Courts of Appeal.

The content of the service is divided into areas of injury as follows: New Developments, Case News, Severe Injuries, Multiple Injuries, Head Injuries, Internal Injuries, Neck Injuries, Spinal Injuries, Pelvis-Hip Injuries, Leg Injuries, Arm Injuries, Skin, Sexual Disabilities, Related Legislation (Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW), Civil Liability Act 2003 (Qld), Civil Liability Act 2002 (Tas), Civil Liability Act 1936 (SA), Civil Liability Act 2002 (WA), Wrongs Act 1958 (Vic)), Appendices and Tables.

The late Malcolm Britts was a retired barrister who specialised in personal injury and motor vehicle law in both the Supreme and District Courts in New South Wales, as well as being an arbitrator in the District Court.

* Subscription price includes 12 months of updating releases. Further updates invoiced separately.

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