Construction & Engineering Precedents

Construction & Engineering Precedents

By Marshall Levine


$4,311.31* RRP

Date: 24/12/1998

Code: 9780752005461

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM

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Construction & Engineering Precedents

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Looseleaf Construction & Engineering Precedents 24/12/1998 9780752005461 $4,311.31


This work is the ultimate drafting tool for all sectors of the engineering and construction industry. It contains a comprehensive collection of amendments and drafting alternatives to all the standard construction and civil engineering contracts, both domestic and international, and includes an extensive range of support precedents to cover every stage of a building or civil engineering project.
Construction and Engineering Precedents:
  • Provides expert guidance and drafting advice, with a clause-by-clause analysis and legal commentary.
  • Covers every stage of a building or civil engineering project, including PFI and FIDIC contracts, consultancy agreements and collateral warranties, project management, performance guarantees and bonds.
  • Helps you draft agreements that meet the requirements of all parties.
Looseleaf, 2 volumes, 2 updates per year
Jurisdiction: International
* Price is for the main work only. Updates are invoiced separately on publication.

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